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BSF Emerging Mkts Shrt Dur Bd E5 EUR H - LU1786037447

Obiettivo di investimento dichiarato

The sub-fund seeks to maximise total return. The Fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in fixed income transferable securities issued by governments and government agencies of, and companies domiciled in, or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in, emerging markets. The fixed income transferable securities will include non-investment grade securities. It is intended that the Fund’s exposure to non-investment grade securities will be in the region of 60% of its Net Asset Value, however, this exposure may vary over time. At least 70% of total assets will be invested in fixed income transferable securities with a maturity of less than five years. The average duration will not be more than three years. At least 90% of the total assets of the Fund will be denominated in USD or hedged back to USD. In order to achieve its investment objective, the Fund may invest up to 10% of its Net Asset Value in ABS and MBS (whether investment grade or not).

Anagrafica e indicatori

ISIN: LU1786037447 Benchmark dichiarato: 100% JPM EMBI Global Diversified 1-3 TR USD
Prezzo/Nav al 07/05/2024: 83,56 EUR Benchmark Morningstar: Morningstar EM Sov Bd GR Hdg EUR
Investimento minimo: 2.050,00 EUR Società di Gestione: BlackRock
Categoria Morningstar: Obbligazionari Paesi Emergenti Valuta: EUR


Commissioni Da prospetto Applicate su
Commissione di ingresso massima 3,00% ND
Commissione di uscita massima ND ND
Commissione di gestione 0,75% ND
Commissione di performance ND ND
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Si ricorda di prendere visione del prospetto informativo spese prima di procedere con la sottoscrizione
Acquistabile su
Si ricorda di prendere visione del prospetto informativo spese prima di procedere con la sottoscrizione

Rating e rischio


Rendimenti Fondo Categoria
Rendimento YTD % 3,26% 4,12%
Rendimento 1 anno % 12,70% 12,80%
Rendimento 3 anni % -0,60% 2,02%
Rendimento 5 anni % 1,08% 1,71%
Rendimento 10 anni % ND 4,57%

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Scheda di dettaglio Morningstar
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